The Water Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund provides loans for water supply, flood protection, or other water development and water management projects.
All applications for loans under this program must be made to the ND Department of Water Resources.
Login using an existing North Dakota Department of Water Resources Login, or register for a new North Dakota Department of Water Resources Login. Once logged in, state a new application in the “Funding for Infrastructure in ND – FIND” funding opportunity.
Projects will be reviewed by the ND Department of Water Resources and approved for use of the loan fund by the ND State Water Commission.
Projects which are not eligible for the state revolving fund under chapters 61-28.1 and 61-28.2 will be given priority for loans from the water infrastructure revolving loan fund.
The ND Department of Water Resources shall consider the following information when evaluating projects:
- A description of the nature and purpose of the proposed infrastructure project, including an explanation of the need for the project, the reasons why it is in the public interest, and the overall economic impact of the project.
- The estimated cost of the project and the amount of the loan sought and other proposed sources of funding.
- The extent to which completion of the project will benefit the state or regions within the state.
Proceeds may be used to finance projects for water supply, flood protection, or other water development and water management projects.
Refinancing of existing debt or obligations will not be allowed.
The maximum amount of a loan may not exceed the project costs, with the maximum loan limits to be determined by the ND State Water Commission.
Interest rate:
The interest rate established for this program has been set at the same interest rate as the revolving loan funds established under chapters 61-28.1 and 61-28.2.
The borrower will be responsible for all closing costs associated with the loan.
BND may take all steps necessary and appropriate to preserve security.
Amortized payments over a term to be determined by the ND Department or Water Resources and approved by the ND State Water Commission, not to exceed the useful life of the project.